APUSH Study Group Wiki

Test Overview[]

Test Summary

  • What the test covers and give a rough description of events

Test Essay questions

  • What essay questions will appear on the test, and how to plan them (layout)

Test Questions

  • Test questions Mr. Bowman gives during the study night.

Test Notes[]

In class notes that covered the chapters that the test will be on. Written online to keep it neat.

Term List[]

Test Six Detailed Term List (printer friendly)

Test Six Shortened Term List (printer friendly)

Terms Summary
"Final Solution"

Hitler's euphemism for killing the Jews


Nuke #2


The Emergency Banking Relief Act: FDR's reorganization of banks during the Depression

Huey Long

Louisiana liberal and populist, "share our wealth"


FDR's 1933 National Recovery Act, overturned by Supreme Court

Midway Island

Turning point of Pacific Theater

Tennessee Valley Authority

Dams in rural South

Benito Mussolini

Leader of Fascist Italy during WWII

“Cash and Carry”

1939, FDR replaces neutrality with this policy

Great Migration

Blacks move north to cities


Making concessions in order to avoid war

Manhattan Project

Making the A-bomb

Joseph Goebbels

Head of Nazi propaganda


New Deal relief and employment agency

"Court packing bill”

FDR tries to add more, more liberal Supreme Court justices

Marcus Garvey

Black Nationalist

Test Six Shortened Term List
Test Six Detailed Term List

Study Tips[]
